Feedback for Cheryl Kao - Postcard Mockups
- I like the choice of images for your first and second mockups, but I feel like the third image makes it really hard for the text to be legible since there's so much going on
- But I have seen other people put color blocks behind the text so maybe experiment with that? I think a bright yellow block with bold black text on it might be really cool and fit in with the general vibe and color scheme of the other layouts.
- I love the color of the text on the second one but I feel like it does get lost a little bit with the clouds behind it. I think that could be fixed pretty easily with a bolder, more funky text - I have something like Shrikhand in mind (if you want to look that up)
- First mockup looks great! I love the image choice, as I mentioned, and the font is very neatly placed. I also really like your type choice. Maybe if you want to spice it up styllistically you could add a colored drop shadow? Maybe in that yellow from the seoncd mockup or a darker blue.
- Overall, great job!